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  • O'Rahilly, Ronan,

O'Rahilly, Ronan, 1940-2020 (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: O'Rahilly, Ronan, 1940-2020
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  • O Railly, Ronan, 1940-2020

New York times, May 4, 2020: in an obituary on page A24 (Ronan O'Rahilly, born May 21, 1940 in Dublin [Ireland], died Apr. 20 in County Louth, outside Dublin, aged 79; roguish Irish entrepreneur and showman behind Radio Caroline; charismatic, deeply eccentric -- he was a committed conspiracy theorist and often went by a pseudonym -- and with a flair for the grand gesture, Mr. O'Rahilly was at the center of the music scene in London during the 1960s, or tried to be; as a music manager, when he couldn't get one of his performers' records played on the BBC, O'Rahilly began to hatch a scheme to run a pirate radio station from a ship, following the lead of Dutch and Scandinavian operators)

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