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  • Radio (Metal)

Radio (Metal) (Tema)

Forma preferida: Radio (Metal)
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Radio (elemento)
  • Ra
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Wikipedia, Oct. 12, 2012 (Radium is a chemical element with symbol Ra and atomic number 88. Radium is an almost pure-white alkaline earth metal, but it readily oxidizes on exposure to air, becoming black in color. All isotopes of radium are highly radioactive, with the most stable isotope being radium-226, which has a half-life of 1601 years and decays into radon gas. Because of such instability, radium is luminescent, glowing a faint blue. Radium, in the form of radium chloride, was discovered by Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie in 1898.)

Radium, 2009.

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