- Shady, Ruth,
Shady, Ruth, 1946- (Autor Personal)
- Shady Solís, Ruth
- Solís, Ruth Shady
- Shady Solís, Ruth Martha
nuc89-26582: Her Huaura, costa central, 1979 (hdg. on MU rept.: Shady, Ruth; usage: Ruth Shady)
La ciudad sagrada de Caral, 1997: t.p. (Ruth Shady Solís)
La ciudad sagrada de Caral-Supe, 2003: back flap (Ruth Shady Solís, born Callao, 1946)
Vichama, historia social de la civilización en Végueta, 2015: cover, etc. (Ruth Shady)
Universidad de Piura website, October 17, 2016: (Ruth Shady Solís; Ph.D. in anthropology and archaeology from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (1973); former director of the Museo de Arqueología y Antropología (UNMSM); former dean of the Colegio de Arqueólogos del Perú) http://udep.edu.pe/campodonico/?premiados=2007-arqueologa-ruth-shady-solis
Zona Caral website, October 17, 2016: (Ruth Martha Shady Solís; director of the Unidad Ejecutora 003 of the Ministerio de Cultura; rshady@zonacaral.gob.pe) http://www.zonacaral.gob.pe/organizacion/alta-direccion/
Agencia de Noticias Andina (Peru) website, September 28, 2022: posted November 24, 2020 (Ruth Shady; born on December 29, 1946 in Callao; archaeologist; anthropologist; director of the Zona Caral; affiliated with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) https://andina.pe/ingles/noticia-perus-ruth-shady-makes-bbcs-list-of-100-inspiring-and-influential-women-for-2020-822698.aspx