- Oriente Medio
Oriente Medio (Nombre geografico)
- Asia, Suroeste
- Asia, suroeste
- Asia, Oeste
- Asia, occidental
- Medio oriente
- Mediterráneo oriental
- Media Luna Fértil
- Levante
- Mediterráneo oriental (Región)
- Cercano oriente
- Nivel Norte (Oriente Medio)
- Sudoeste de Asia
- Asia occidental
- Oriente Próximo
Britannica Micro. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85090501 lcsh https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb153659140 bnf http://viaf.org/viaf/316731912 viaf
Web. 3.
Encarta world Eng. dict. (Fertile Crescent)
West Asia in transition, 2016.
National Geographic style manual, via WWW, July 12, 2018 (West Asia is growing in popularity as a neutral, non-Eurocentric synonym for the Middle East. It generally includes the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian territories, Syria, and Turkey, though it may be stretched to include Afghanistan and Pakistan, and even Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Cyprus)
Global forest resources assessment 2000, 2001, via Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website, viewed July 12, 2018: Chapter 21. West Asia (The following countries and areas comprise the West Asia subregion: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Gaza Strip, Georgia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, West Bank and Yemen)
United Nations Environment Programme OzonAction website, July 12, 2018: Networks > West Asia (The West Asia region comprises of 12 member countries; Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestinian National Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates and Yemen)
Wikipedia, July 12, 2018 (Western Asia, West Asia, Southwestern Asia or Southwest Asia is the westernmost subregion of Asia. The concept is in limited use, as it significantly overlaps with the Middle East (or the Near East), the main difference usually being the exclusion of the majority of Egypt (which would be counted as part of North Africa) and the inclusion of the Caucasus)