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  • Hombre

Hombre (Tema)

Forma preferida: Hombre
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Homo sapiens sapiens
  • Especie humana
  • Hombre actual
  • Género humano
  • Ser humano
  • Encabezamiento anterior:
  • Humanidad
  • Gente

Acad. Am. encyc., 1994.

Britannica Micro.


Merriam-Web. online dict., June 20, 2005 (people: 1 plural : human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest; 2 plural : HUMAN BEINGS, PERSONS -- often used in compounds instead of persons <salespeople>; 3 plural : the members of a family or kinship; 4 plural : the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class <disputes between the people and the nobles> -- often used by Communists to distinguish Communists from other people; 5 plural peoples : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute a politically organized group)

Wikipedia, May 20, 2012 (Quadrumana and Bimana form an obsolete division of the primates: the Quadrumana are primates with four hands (two attached to the arms and two attached to the legs), and the Bimana being those with two hands and two feet. The attempted division of "Quadrumana" from "Bimana" form a stage in the long campaign to find a secure way of distinguishing Homo sapiens from the rest of the great apes, a distinction that was culturally essential. Quadrumana is Latin for "four-handed ones", which is a term used for apes since they do not have feet attached to their legs as humans do, but instead have hands, as both pairs of hands look almost alike (with the exception of the orangutan, whose hands look exactly the same) and operate exactly like hands. Bimana is Latin for "two-handed ones", which is a term used for humans, as humans have only two hands, but have two feet which apes do not.)

Merriam Webster online dictionary, May 20, 2012 (bimana zool : man considered as sole representative of a group distinguished by having hands unlike the feet - compare quadrumana; also bimanes or bimanus)

ITIS: Integrated Taxonomic Information System, viewed June 1, 2012 (Homo sapiens; common names: human; man; Order: Primates. Infraclass Eutheria, Subclass Theria, Class Mammalia)

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