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  • Zapata Velasco, Antonio,

Zapata Velasco, Antonio, 1951- (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Zapata Velasco, Antonio, 1951-
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Velasco, Antonio Zapata, 1951-
  • Zapata, Antonio, 1951-

Sociedad y poder local, 1996: t.p. (Antonio Zapata Velasco)

El joven Belaúnde, 1995: t.p. (Antonio Zapata) back cover flap (Antonio Zapata Velasco; b. 1951, Lima, Peru)

¿Desiguales desde siempre?, 2013: title page (Antonio Zapata) cover front flap (Antonio Zapata Velasco; Ph.D. in history, Columbia University; history professor affiliated with the PUCP, UNMSM and the Academia Diplomática; researcher affiliated with the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos; writes a weekly column for the newspaper La República; author of several books including La corrupción bajo fujimorismo (2009) and Historia y cultura de Ayacucho (2008, 2010))

Pensando a la derecha, 2016: title page (Antonio Zapata) cover front flap (professor currently affiliated with the Departamento de Humanidades, PUCP; specialist in contemporary history; researcher affiliated with the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos; Ph.D. from Columbia University)

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